Title:tracker Sex: Female F Male T Trans F Require: nochaste estim Limits: LPain-G ;E-Stim fun with Runa ; ;The slave will experience varying levels of electric shocks. ;A question will be asked at the end, which the slave must answer after completing the last set blindfolded. ; ;peerreview off for now peerreview:false ;-------------- Variables ---------------- ; ;sound files assign:S_Low:'whip_low.wav' assign:S_Med:'whip_mid.wav' assign:S_High:'whip_high.wav' ;repeat sound for calibrating assign:Calibrate:'yes' ;current sound to play assign:PlaySound: '$S_Low' ;naming the current sound assign:S_Current:'low' ;How many shocks assign:S_amount:0 ;Wich sound is selected assign:S_Choice:1 ;runa speaking assign:runa_talks:'nothing' ;what runa says depends on the phase the task is in assign:runa_phase: 'cali' ;countdown, later 30 assign:CountDown:30 ;time the mercy button is visible, standard 5 assign:Mercy:0 ;random phase counter assign:P_Random:5 ; ;------------ Preparation ----------------- ; ;intro log:Task description. The slave will receive electrical stimulation while kneeling, with electrodes attached either to his genitals or thighs. ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b66.jpg show:Hello, it seems DTITLE DNAME has lent you out to me again. We're going to have so much fun. button:Yes Runa show:Why are you still wearing clothes? You know you must be naked when you're around me, SNAME. button:Naked show:Today, I want to shock you, so get your estim device.
Also, grab a blindfold or something similar to cover your eyes, it's for a little surprise at the end. button:Got it Runa show:First, you must attach the electrodes. Follow my instructions carefully. button:Yes Runa ; ;attaching electro if:(INCHASTITY) ;slave is in chastity, electrodes positioned on the thighs show:I hope you didn't assume you'd be exempt from this task just because you're currently in chastity. You guessed wrong. button:No Runa show:Place the electro pads on both sides of your thighs. This will create the right shocks. button:Done log: The image below shows electrodes placed on each side of the slave's thighs. else: if:(HAS_PENIS) ;normal placing of the electrodes for males show: Place a set of electro loops around the penis, positioning one just under the head and another at the base of the shaft or around the testicles. button:Done log: The image below shows a set of electro loops positioned around the penis, with one loop just beneath the head and another at the base of the shaft or around the testicles. else: ;placing the electrodes for females show:Place the electro pads on both sides of your thighs. This will create the right shocks. button:Done log: The image below shows electrodes placed on each side of the slave's thighs. fi: fi: show:Move closer to the cam so I can capture a picture of the electros in place. button:Picture (10 seconds) wait:10 cam:temp ; ;-------------------Calibrating ------------------- ;Repeat until all sounds are prepared ; show:Connect the electrodes to your estim device and activate it. It’s time to calibrate. Repeat the process until you can distinctly differentiate all three shock levels. button:Ok ; while:('$Calibrate' == 'yes') show:Which sound do you want to calibrate? Each calibration will give two shocks. assign:S_amount:2 choice:Low, Med, High, Done if:(LASTASK == 1) assign:S_Choice:1 call:PlaySound fi: if:(LASTASK == 2) assign:S_Choice:2 call:PlaySound fi: if:(LASTASK == 3) assign:S_Choice:3 call:PlaySound fi: if:(LASTASK == 4) assign:Calibrate:'no' fi: endwhile: ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b66.jpg show:I trust you haven't considered cheating, as there will be a question awaiting you at the end. button:No Runa show:You shouldn't press any buttons unless I decide to stop shocking you.
The only time I anticipate you moving is when you're being shocked. button:Understood show:The only visible button later on will be the mercy button.
However, clicking it will result in failing the task. button:Gulp ; if:(!INCHASTITY) && (HAS_PENIS) show:Get a hard cock SNAME button:Hard log:Slave must have a hard cock on the picture below fi: ; show:Kneel with your hands either behind your back or on your neck.
Keep the blindfold within reach and be ready to put it on within 30 seconds when instructed. Make sure I can see you wearing it.

Ready for shocks? button:Ready (10 seconds) log:In all pictures below, the slave must be kneeling with hands behind their back or neck, with electrodes attached. wait:10 cam:temp ; ;--------- First sets ---------- ; ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b028.jpg show:This set I will explain how I'll shock.
I will start with 1 shock and increase with 1 until you've received 5 shocks. wait:6 assign:S_amount:1 assign:runa_phase: 'first' assign:Mercy:5 ; ;Shocking from 1 through 5 with warning while:($S_amount < 6) assign:S_Choice:Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1) assign:runa_talks:'Expect $S_amount $S_Current shocks' call:PlaySound assign:S_amount:$S_amount +1 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b028.jpg show:Hold on a moment, let me adjust. wait:4 endwhile: ; ;Shocking from 5 to 1 with warning show:That was quite enjoyable. Now, let's reduce the shocks from 5 down to just 1. wait:5 ; while:($S_amount > 1) assign:S_amount:$S_amount -1 assign:S_Choice:Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1) ; call:PlaySound image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b028.jpg show:Hold on a moment, let me adjust. wait:4 endwhile: ; ;------------ Second set ------------------- ; ;Shocking from 1 to 5 without warning show:Counting from 1 to 5, but I won't reveal how I'll shock you. wait:5 cam:temp assign:runa_phase: 'second' ; while:($S_amount < 6) assign:S_Choice:Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1) call:PlaySound show:That were $S_amount $S_Current shocks. wait:4 assign:S_amount:$S_amount +1 endwhile: ; ;-------------- Random set ----------------- ; ;Shocks and amount are all random show:I find this too predictable. Let's introduce some randomness into everything now. wait:5 cam:temp assign:runa_phase: 'random' ; while:($P_Random > 0) assign:S_Choice:Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1) assign:S_amount:Math.floor((Math.random() * 5) + 1) call:PlaySound assign:P_Random:$P_Random -1 show:Ready for the next shocks? wait:4 endwhile: ; ;-------------------- Final set ----------------- ; ;1 cycle with 5 shocks. Slaves wears a blindfold. ( final part) show:Almost done, SNAME. wait:5 show:I will deliver 5 shocks, and afterwards, you need to inform me about the intensity. wait:10 show:To maintain the element of surprise with the shocks, I might intentionally delay them for a few minutes. wait:10 show:How about we add something extra to your ordeal?
What do you think about using a blindfold to increase the anticipation and surprise? wait:10 ; assign:S_amount: 5 assign:S_Choice:Math.floor((Math.random() * 3) + 1) ; while:$CountDown > 0 show:Blindfold yourself within the next 30 seconds and return your position.
Once you've received 5 shocks, you may remove the blindfold.
And while you wait, repeatedly say 'Please Runa, shock me'
... until I do.

$CountDown seconds left. assign:CountDown:$CountDown -1 wait:1 endwhile: ; show:If you're able to read this, it means you're not wearing a blindfold, SNAME log:Picture below the slave must be kneeling with hands behind their back or neck, with electrodes attached and wearing a blindfold (or something similar) ;below test wbutton, comment below is original wait ;Waiting for shock, min20 max60 ;Math.floor((Math.random() * 60) + 20) wbutton:Math.floor((Math.random() * 20) + 10):Mercy Runa if:(LASTASK == 0) call:Mercy fi: ;New Command cam:temp ; call:PlaySound ; show:Quite an unexpected shock, wasn't it? I imagine the anticipation must have set your heart racing! ; button:Yes Runa ; ;------------ Ending conversation ---------------- ; ;Asking the slave wich level the sound was. Procedure to check for possible cheating. ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b66.jpg show:How would you rate the intensity of the last set of shocks? choice:Low,Medium,High log:If the sound doesn't match the choice the slave made, it's possible the slave adjusted the settings or they weren't activated.
Mark the task as failed if the slave does not provide an explanation. if:(LASTASK == 1) log:Sound was nr. $S_Choice, slave choice was nr.1 fi: if:(LASTASK == 2) log:Sound was nr. $S_Choice, slave choice was nr.2 fi: if:(LASTASK == 3) log:Sound was nr. $S_Choice, slave choice was nr.3 fi: ; show:I trust you've made the correct decision. button:Euh, yes Runa. ; label:mercy_ending show:I will request DTITLE DNAME to permit me to play with you again in the future. For now, you may leave, SNAME. button:Bye Runa. ; ;----------------------------- End task ---------------------------------- ; ;---------------------------- Functions ---------------------------------- ; ;-------------------Function PlaySound ------------------------------------- ;Which sound is played ; function:PlaySound ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b024.jpg ; if:$S_Choice == 1 assign:S_Current:'low' call:Taunting wbutton:$Mercy:Mercy Runa if:(LASTASK == 0) call:Mercy fi: loop:$S_amount sound:$S_Low wait:1 endloop: fi: if:$S_Choice == 2 assign:S_Current:'medium' call:Taunting wbutton:$Mercy:Mercy Runa if:(LASTASK == 0) call:Mercy fi: loop:$S_amount sound:$S_Med wait:1 endloop: fi: if:$S_Choice == 3 assign:S_Current:'high' call:Taunting wbutton:$Mercy:Mercy Runa if:(LASTASK == 0) call:Mercy fi: loop:$S_amount sound:$S_High wait:1 endloop: fi: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b028.jpg end: ; ;---------------- Extra sentences ---------------- ;Different sentences from Runa ; function:Taunting ; if:('$runa_phase' == 'cali') assign:runa_talks:'Calibrating with $S_amount $S_Current shocks.' show:$runa_talks wait:4 fi: if:('$runa_phase' == 'first') assign:runa_talks:'Expect $S_amount $S_Current shocks.' show:$runa_talks wait:4 fi: if:('$runa_phase' == 'second') assign:runa_talks:'How will I shock you next?' show:$runa_talks wait:4 fi: if:('$runa_phase' == 'random') assign:runa_talks:'Random is so much fun for me, and I hope it is pain for you.' show:$runa_talks wait:4 fi: ; end: ; ;--------------- Mercy --------------- ;The slave asked for mercy and failed the task ; function:Mercy ; image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_black_chair_b66.jpg show:You are no fun, SNAME, asking for mercy. button:Sorry Runa log:The slave activated the mercy button, resulting in the failure to complete the task. ; goto:mercy_ending ; end: ;