Title:forfeit_ball_busting Sex: Female F Male T Trans F Require: Limits: ; forfeit_ball_busting (task to be used for forfeits) call:startBallBustingForfeit ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:startBallBustingForfeit ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:allowChickenOut:true call:doBallbusts end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:exampleHowToUseTheseBallBustingFunctionsInAnotherTask ; This is an example how to use this in another task, if you would copy the individual functions there. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:allowChickenOut:true show:I will now send you to Runa to oversee your ball busting. button:Thank you, DTITLE assign:requestedRounds:10 call:doBallbusts ;log:The slave has completed $completedRounds of $requestedRounds rounds. ;if: !$hasAllItems ;log:The slave did not have all items required to build a ball buster and thus has to run this task again. ;fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:buildBallBuster ;---------------------------------------------------------------- image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_4.jpg show:Get the following items:<ul><li>5-7 rubber bands (get regular thin ones, like shown in the photo)</li><li>a shoestring</li><li>two paper towels</li><li>a short piece of duct tape</li></ul>In the end it will look like this, but I'll guide you through all of the steps to build it. choice:Show me the steps,I DON'T have all items if: LASTASK == 2 assign:hasAllItems:false image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini24.jpg log:The slave did not have all the needed items to build a ball buster and thus has to run the task again once all items are available. dmsg:0:Runa:Remember to get 5-7 rubber bands (get regular thin ones), a shoestring, two paper towels, and a short piece of duct tape. Then run the task again! show:Ok, then get the items and meet me again once you have them. I will now show you how to build it. You don't have to remember anything, I will guide you through the steps again next time we meet. button:Thank you, Runa fi: label:startOfBuildBallBuster image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_1.jpg show:(1/4) Assemble a daisy chain of around 5 rubber bands. Before you do it, stretch all the rubber band so that they have their final lentgh. button:Done image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_2.jpg show:(2/4) Put the two paper towels on top of each other and fold them 3 times in the middle to get a long strip. button:Done image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_3.jpg show:(3/4) Roll the paper towel strip tightly around the center of the daisy chain and fixate it with some duct tape. button:Done image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_4.jpg show:(4/4) Put the shoestring through the outer rubber bands. button:Done if: $hasAllItems show:Now your ball buster is ready and should look like this. If not, I can explain the steps again, and you can start over. choice:Looks like that,Please explain again if: LASTASK == 2 goto:startOfBuildBallBuster fi: else: show:This is how the ball buster will look like at the end. So meet me again once you have all the items ready:<ul><li>5-7 rubber bands (get regular thin ones, like shown in the photo)</li><li>a shoestring</li><li>two paper towels</li><li>a short piece of duct tape</li></ul> button:Yes, I will fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showNextBallBustingPic ;---------------------------------------------------------------- if: $curPic == 1 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini15.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 2 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini13.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 3 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini25.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 4 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini26.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 5 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini49.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 6 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini50_1.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 7 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini51.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 8 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini52.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 9 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini53.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 10 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini52.jpg fi: if: $curPic > 10 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini53.jpg assign:curPic:7 fi: assign:curPic:$curPic+1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doInitialBallBust ;---------------------------------------------------------------- call:showNextBallBustingPic if: $isCaged show:After you've pushed the button, you have 10 seconds to get into that position and wait for my command. As soon as I give the command release the grip on the ball buster! Afterward stand up straight, because at the end I want to see the ballbuster hanging a few inches above your knees again. else: show:After you've pushed the button, you have 10 seconds to get into that position and wait for my command. While you wait keep your cock hard. As soon as I give the command release the grip on the ball buster! Afterward stand up straight, because at the end I want to see the ballbuster hanging a few inches above your knees again. fi: button:Getting into position call:doTheActualBallBust end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doAnotherBallBust ;---------------------------------------------------------------- call:showNextBallBustingPic if: $isCaged settemp1:'Get ready for round $round/$requestedRounds: Ball buster between heels, knees apart, and wait for my command! After you've clicked the button, you have 10 seconds to get into that position.' else: settemp1:'Get ready for round $round/$requestedRounds: Ball buster between heels, knees apart, and keep your cock hard! After you've clicked the button, you have 10 seconds to get into position.' fi: if: $allowChickenOut show:TEMP1<br><br>Or do you want to chicken out? But then you would have failed. choice:Getting into position,Chicken out else: show:TEMP1 button:Getting into position fi: if: LASTASK == 1 || !$allowChickenOut call:doTheActualBallBust else: show:Do you really want to chicken out, or do you want to do the next ball bust? choice:Chicken out,Do the next ball bust if: LASTASK == 2 show:Ok, then get into position. button:Getting into position call:doTheActualBallBust else: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini48.jpg show:That's disappointing, you have failed. assign:hasChickenedOut:true settemp1:$round-1 settemp2:$requestedRounds log:The slave has only completed TEMP1/TEMP2 rounds and thus HAS FAILED! button:I'm sorry, Runa fi: fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doTheActualBallBust ;---------------------------------------------------------------- show:Get into postion speakjen:Get into position! wait:10 if: $isCaged show:Stay in position and wait for my command speakjen:Stay in position, and wait for my command! else: show:Stay hard and wait for my command speakjen:Stay hard, and wait for my command! fi: wait:10 settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * 15) + 1) wait:TEMP1 settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) vidrec:0 wait:2 show:<h1>NOW</h1> speakjen:Now! wait:6 vidstop:0 wait:1 assign:completedRounds:$completedRounds+1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:takePictureWithCamDelay ;---------------------------------------------------------------- button:Take picture (4 sec delay) show:4... wait:1 show:3... wait:1 show:2... wait:1 show:1... wait:1 show:0! cam: sound:bell.wav wait:1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doBallbusts ;---------------------------------------------------------------- capture:hide assign:round:1 assign:curPic:1 assign:completedRounds:0 assign:hasAllItems:true assign:hasChickenedOut:false if: '$requestedRounds' == '\$requestedRounds' assign:requestedRounds:0 fi: if:INCHASTITY assign:isCaged:true else: assign:isCaged:false fi: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini15.jpg if: $requestedRounds == 0 asknumber:SNAME, you were sent to me, so that I can oversee your ball busting. How many ball busts are you required to do? assign:requestedRounds:LASTASK log:The slave claims that $requestedRounds ball busts were requested. if: $requestedRounds <= 0 assign:requestedRounds:5 show:It looks like you've accidentally entered a wrong number. Unfortunately I don't know the correct number. You probably need to do at least 1. But let's stay on the safe side and do $requestedRounds. button:Thank you, Runa log:Since this doesn't seem to be correct, Runa has corrected it to $requestedRounds. fi: else: show:SNAME, you were sent to me, so that I can oversee your ball busting. It was requested that you have to do $requestedRounds ball busts. button:Yes, Runa fi: image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_4.jpg show:Do you have this ballbuster? Or do you need to build a new one? choice:I have it,Let's build one if: LASTASK == 2 call:buildBallBuster fi: if: hasAllItems image:taskimg/tasks/ball_busting/ball_buster_4.jpg show:Then get naked and tie the shoestring around your balls so that the rubber bands start left and right of your balls. The paper towel ball buster has to hang a little bit above your knees, if not add or remove rubber bands. And make sure that the loose ends of the shoestring are not interfering with the ball buster, so either cut them short, or tie them behind your back. button:Done image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini3.jpg if: $isCaged show:Show yourself to me at least from knees to cock. I want to see the ball buster hanging a few inches above your knees. log:Ball buster dangling a few inches above the knees. The ball buster consists of 2 sheets of paper towel folded and rolled around a daisy chain of rubber bands. else: show:Show me how much you are looking forward to getting your balls busted. Get your cock hard and then take your hands off and show yourself to me from knees to hard cock. I want to see the ball buster hanging a few inches above your knees. log:Showing hard cock with hands not touching it and ball buster dangling a few inches above the knees. The ball buster consists of 2 sheets of paper towel folded and rolled around a daisy chain of rubber bands. fi: call:takePictureWithCamDelay image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_blue_bikini9.jpg show:Pull down the ball buster and hold it between your heels. Then stand up straight again, but keep your knees spread apart a little. So that the ball buster will fly into your balls as soon as you release the grip from your heels. This is your ball busting position. Adjust the cam, so that I can at least see you from feet to cock. button:Understood if: $isCaged log:In all of the videos the slave has to initially hold the ball buster between the heels. The knees have to be spread apart a little to have a clear path between ball buster and balls. Then the grip from the heels has to be released, so that the ball buster flies into the balls. At the end it has to again dangle a few inches above the knees. else: log:In all of the videos the slave has to initially keep the cock hard and hold the ball buster between the heels. The knees have to be spread apart a little to have a clear path between ball buster and balls. Then the grip from the heels has to be released, so that the ball buster flies into the balls. At the end it has to again dangle a few inches above the knees. fi: log:The slave will do $requestedRounds ball busts call:doInitialBallBust label:startOfBallBustingLoop assign:round:$round+1 call:doAnotherBallBust if: $round < $requestedRounds && !$hasChickenedOut goto:startOfBallBustingLoop fi: if: !hasChickenedOut show:That's enough, you have completed all requested $requestedRounds rounds. log:The slave has completed all requested $requestedRounds rounds. button:Thank you, Runa fi: fi: end: ;