Sex: Female T Male T Trans T
;New Task by Leson
show:You know, I still got this pic of you, do you?
button:Gulp, Yes
show:But this is not the best one I got. Can you remember how many pictures I took from you lately?
button:No, not exactly...
show:It has been so many lovely pics and they are all save with me. I see you also uploaded pics with your mobile phone.
button:Well, yes. What's the difference?
show:Did you ever hear of a thing called 'EXIF'?
button:Not sure, tell me more...
show:You know, your mobile phone safes a lot more than just the picture. It also saves the shutter time, the resolution, the GPS coordinates, the brand of your mobile phone, the date the picture was taken, ...
button:Wait, the GPS coordinates?