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Chastity in JIC

If you own a chastity device, Mistress Jennifer can use it to keep you chaste for shorter or longer periods. There is a simple straight forward way how this can be done, and a lot of possible methods to fine-tune how to make this fit with your specific situation and other-life requirements. But before you go into the details, it is important to talk about the one basic thing.

You better take this seriously, Jennifer certainly does! As a slave, you control whether or not you want to get into chastity. But once you do, you will have to follow through, no matter what.

Jennifer takes the wearing of chastity devices very seriously. If you are requested to fit your device make sure you follow instructions and provide evidence as soon as possible. If you are required to stay in chastity for a period, no matter if it’s hours or days or weeks, you better do. Failure will result in an immediate mood drop to 5% with the resulting consequences based on your exposure level. So keep in mind that it does not matter if you have 90% mood with Mistress Jennifer, if you fail to provide photo evidence when asked to lock up, and before being let out of chastity, you will be exposed. If you are caught cheating, you will be exposed. If for ANY reason you have an emergency and need to take off the chastity, you need to explain why and show proof of why in the message panel. If at all possible, provide proof of the need to take off the chastity device before doing so, and await approval from Mistress Jennifer when possible.

In other words, be careful what you wish for. JIC gives you a great way to define how you want to be held in chastity, how long, how often etc. But once you are committed, there will be no mercy, and the consequences of not following through are harsh

Remarks for reviewers

Before we get into the details of how you can lock yourself into chastity, a few words to those of you who are just reviewing chastity tasks, i.e. tasks where people lock themselves up, or free themselves of chastity

The reviews come with text that explains what exactly you should look for. E.g. if the slave is using numbered one-time tags to lock, you will be told the number of the tag he has used when he locked himself up days or weeks ago. You will be asked to ensure that the tag he shows today is still the same as when he locked himself up, and that the is still securely locked into his chastity device.

The key point is: Help the slave, and his mistress, to verify that he truly was locked up, or truly has locked himself in. The reason why people are managing their chastity through JIC is that they want to be pushed into true chastity, and be controlled so that they can’t cheat and break out.

That means, if you have doubts, it is not clear whether the slave is locking correctly, or whether the cage is still properly locked, then do not hesitate to flag this to a moderator (by answering the review questions with NO). The mod will likely interrogate the slave, and will decide what to do, which could be nothing if there is a good explanation, all the way to serious punishments

Please help JIC by being objective, and not showing mercy or assuming that there was no problem. Please review based on what you see, or don’t see.

If you have questions, please ask mistress Jennifer for general guidance

Basic chastity

JIC has a few keywords that allow you or a mistress to start and to extend chastity.

set chastity: 2 days (value can be anything but will not set if less than current value)

set chastity: 2 hours

add chastity: 2 days (this will add another 2 days to any existing sentence)

add chastity: 2 hours (this will add another 2 hours and so on to any existing sentence)

Once you start your chastity sentence, a task will be put into your message board, which you have to do within 60 minutes. In that task you have to explain how you will lock yourself up, and take proof photos that can be used to validate that you are truly locked up

Once your chastity sentence ends, again a task will pop up in your message board, which you have to do within 5 days (there no need for hurry at that point). In that task you will prove that you are still locked up, and you are then allowed to unlock yourself. Start that task and follow its instructions BEFORE you unlock yourself.

The lockup and unlock tasks

When you are put into chastity, you are required to start a task from your message board. The same happens when you are allowed to get out of chastity at the end of your sentence. The main purpose of these two tasks is to document and validate that you have faithfully stayed locked, but there are some other fine points that are worth to know

In general, these tasks have, different to many other tasks in JIC, not been written to entertain your Mistress, but they are simply efficient in locking you up and unlocking you. The excitement is supposed to be in the chastity and its length, not in validating at the end and the beginning whether everything was done properly

The lockup task

The task will first give you an opportunity to read through this manual again, in case you don't remember all the rules. Make sure that you fully understand how chastity in JIC works, before you lock yourself up

It will then determine which type of lock you have. If you are not using an optimal locking method, i.e. numbered one-time tags, there will be a small mood penalty.

Last but not least the task will guide you through creating or uploading fotos of your genitals locked up in the correct way. You can repeat this process as often as you like, until the resulting picture(s) are such that a reviewer can validate that you are locked up correctly. Make sure that you have good pictures, any slopiness as this stage will cost you

The unlock task

The task will first of all give you an opportunity to extend your chastity, rather than getting unlocked. There are a number of reasons why you may want to do that. However, when you kept all enhanced chastity options at default values, you do not need to worry. If you chose to extend your chastity, the task will add one hour of chastity, and return you to your message center. There you can manually add more chastity.

The task will then guide you through one or more validation pictures, which you can either make with your webcam or upload. These pictures will confirm that you are still securely locked up. Make sure that you have good quality pictures so that the reviewers can confirm your locked status

Last but not least you will be allowed to unlock and a nice photo for your gallery will be taken

Ways to lock your chastity device

When you are put into chastity (i.e. when you run the task in your message board at the beginning of your chastity sentence), you will be asked how you want to lock your chastity device. There are different locking methods, some preferred, some others not. They are explained here

1) Numbered tags

These are one-time plastic or metal tags that can be used to directly lock a chastity device, or for devices with internal locks, to secure the keys. These tags can only be opened by cutting them apart. Metal tags are even safer in that regard than the plastic ones. Both metal and plastic tags are not expensive. This is the preferred method of locking your chastity device, as it can easily be verified by reviewers and mistresses.

Using a metal tag to directly secure a chastity device:

Using a plastic tag to secure keys:

2) Time locks

These are electronic locks, where you can program a time and in some way lock away the keys, or sometimes directly lock the chastity device. They are less preferred than numbered tags, because the device may not synchronize well with JIC. But they are still an acceptable way of locking yourself.

3) Combination locks

Again they can be used to lock away keys, and sometimes to directly lock a chastity device. In theory you could lock yourself without knowing the combination, and somehow providing that to JIC. However, there is no way for mistresses or reviewers in JIC to know, whether you have been honest when you locked yourself up, or whether you knew the combination and have unlocked yourself 5 minutes after lockup.

We therefore don’t consider combination locks as an acceptable locking method. There will be a small mood penalty when you use them. We are strong suggesting that you get numbered tags

4) Chastity devices with plain keys

So you lock yourself into your chastity device, and you tell your mistress or the reviewers that you don’t have access to them (e.g. they are in the mail), or that you won’t use them. Again, there is no way for mistresses or reviewers in JIC to know, whether you have been honest when you locked yourself up, or whether you used the keys and have unlocked yourself 5 minutes after lockup.

We therefore don’t consider plain keys as an acceptable locking method. There will be a small mood penalty when you use them. It is strongly suggested that you get numbered tags.

5) Chastity devices without clear locking mechanism

Well, pretty pointless due to the same reasons as combination locks or plain keys don’t work

We don’t consider this as an acceptable locking method. There will be a small mood penalty when you do this. It is strongly suggested that you get numbered tags.

Enhanced chastity options

Besides the simple way to start a chastity sentence via the keywords, there are many ways to tell your mistress in JIC that she can be more demanding and more strict with you, but also to make sure that you are not overwhelmed. The different concepts and settings are explained here.

Note please that the these setting can only be changed the first 3 days in a month. Be careful what you wish for, once in, you can't change your mind for several weeks.

You want to make sure that tasks related to chastity are included or excluded when you ask the Mistress for a random task: The chastity setting in the limits section does that. Set at No (hard limit), Mistress Jennifer will never assign a random chastity task to you. Values 0 through 3 make it possible to get chastity tasks, but if your mood is above 20 it will be very rare or not happen at all. Values 4 or 5 will regularly select chastity tasks for you when you ask for random tasks

Be careful: If you set a value of 2 or higher, you may not be able to undo that setting. See section “one way door” for details.

You want to be forced to stay in chastity as much as possible: For that purpose, you can define a minimum of how many hours per month you are required to stay in chastity. Counting starts at the first day of a month, and your mistress will evaluate at the end of the month whether you have met your quota. There will be a harsh punishment, possibly exposure, if you don’t comply.

Be careful, you may not be able to undo this once you have entered a number. See section “one way door” for details.

Whenever you get into chastity, you never want to be allowed out earlier than a certain number of hours: For that purpose, you can define a minimum number of hours per lockup. Note that this defines a minimum, regardless what actual chastity term you have started with add-chastity or set-chastity. You will be punished harshly if you exit chastity earlier than defined by the minimum

When you are in chastity, you want to be pushed to exit out of it as seldomly as possible: That is done with setting an exit fee, i.e. a number of mood points you loose every time you unlock after a chastity sentence.

When you are locked up or released from chastity, you want to provide additional information to your mistresses and task reviewers: (see section about task reviews in the manual) so that they can better determine whether you have been faithful or not.

Below is an example of additional information provided by a slave, and to the right the resulting proof pictures at lockup and unlock that the slave is required to produce if he does not want to fail his task and get exposed:

My numbered tags can be cut open and the cut wire hidden inside the chastity tube and piercing To find out whether I have done that I need to show at least two pictures of the numbered tag before I unlock the cage On each picture I should show a different part of the wire outside the chastity tube so I cant hide a cut. I need to provide an explaining picture collage whenever locking or unlocking. Please fail the validation if you don't see all three pictures or it I could have hidden a cut wire in any way

Per session maximum doesn’t do anything at the moment (future tasks may make use of it, so you should still set a reasonable value).

As with all limits, all of the above can be locked for a period. So you set yourself a slightly challenging chastity goal with a few of these values, and then lock them for 2 months. Locking means that they can still be changed, but only up, never down

One way doors - settings only a mistress can undo

Jennifer in Control is aiming to push you into increasingly longer chastity times. Slowly but surely. To make this more real, some of the options, once set, can not be un-done by the slave. They are:

  • Chastity Limit: Once this has been set to 2 or higher, you can not reduce its value any more
  • Minimum time in chastity per month: If you chastity limit is 2 or higher, you will only be able to increase this value

The “Minimum time in chastity per month” can be increased by yourself, but is also slowly bumped up when one of your tasks is rated poorly, or once a month if you have low mood.

Currently there is a command to trade mood points to reduce the monthly minimum time. “Buyback min hour” will reduce your monthly minimum by one hour at the expense of 10 mood.


Now, these are a lot of options, so some examples might help to see how this can work together and what great flexibility you have to push yourself into a specific chastity experience

Chastity beginners or if you want to slowly try this out

  • Chastity limit NO
  • Per session minimum 0
  • Other fee per unlock 0
  • Min time in chastity per month 0

With these settings, chastity is entirely controlled by the set-chastity and add-chastity key words, that you or your mistress can enter in your message board. JIC does not do anything by itself

You want to be pushed to stay a lot in chastity, but need a lot of flexibility about how and when

  • Chastity limit 5
  • Per session minimum 0
  • Other fee per unlock 0
  • Min time in chastity per month 600 (25 days with 24 hours)

With this, you will need to stay in chastity most of the time during a month, but you can chose to make it one long 25 days period, 20 hours per day, or anything in between. Whenever you ask Mistress Jennifer for a random task, there is a chance that you get chastity ones assigned.

You lock yourself up every once and a while, and want to be challenged to make the lockups longer

  • Chastity limit 0
  • Per session minimum 120
  • Other fee per unlock 0
  • Min time in chastity per month 0

With this, you have no obligation to get into chastity at any time. But when you are ready for a chastity trip again, you know it needs to be at least 5 days long (120 hours).

You want to be pushed to stay almost full-time in chastity, but you need the flexibility to get out occasionally if and when really required

  • Chastity limit 0
  • Per session minimum 24
  • Other fee per unlock 25
  • Min time in chastity per month 672 (28 days with 24 hours)

What this does is that once you are in chastity, you can get out relatively soon (after one day if your set-chastity/add-chastity was called accordingly). This can be very useful if you e.g. need to go on air travel with 2 days notice. But when you unlock yourself, you know that you have to get back almost immediately to reach your 28 days quota. And you don’t want to exit out more than once per month because every time you loose whopping 25 mood points and get closer to the exposure limit. Perhaps you can not afford a single unlock in a given month. So you will stay as long in chastity as practically possible, with rare one day breaks in between. But if your life requires it, you can get out for a brief period.


As you can see, there is great flexibility in how you can set up chastity in JIC, and how it will push and control you. Remember, once you have set all the parameters up, it is recommended to lock your limits for at least a month, if possible longer, so that the experience of having to fulfill your chastity sentence without being able to change the course, is becoming real.

Every slave is different, but your mistress might require you to work toward achieving the state explained in the last example, which comes closest to 24/7 chastity, while it still stays realistic and caters for surprises in daily life

Chastity Tasks and Mood

The chastity lockup, exit and related tasks are modifying the slaves mood. As it can be a bit difficult to understand what is happening in each case, lets take a look at the what and why.

ALL chastity tasks will cancel the default 2 mood increase of running a task by deducting 2 mood (or more, see below) at some time during the tasks, so ideally the slave would come out even. The messages in the JIC message center will

a) only notify of the mood decrease (not the default 2 mood increase)

b) they show a lower total mood as all tasks (not only the chastity ones) reduce mood when started by 5, and credit that 5 mood at the end again (this is to punish slaves that e.g. close the browser while being in a task - you loose 5 mood then)

There are a few circumstances that reduce mood further

a) any locking mechanism not using one-time numbered locks. This happens only when locking up, not during unlock, hygiene etc.

b) getting out of chastity prior to the minimum period defined in your settings (that will cost you a very big mood drop, close to or into the exposure zone)

c) when the slave has an erection during a cleaning / hygiene unlock

d) when the slave has set an unlock fee in his settings

Please also keep in mind that JIC sometimes automatically changes your mood, typically in 2 mood increments up or down. This has nothing to do with the chastity tasks.

chastity.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/29 14:11 by thomassub