Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:buy_tasks Sex: Female T Male T Trans T Require: Limits: ; buy_tasks ; ; NOTE: If you want to add new tasks, those tasks need to include the gen library and BEFORE that command set the taskName. i.e.: ;assign:taskName:... ;use:gen ; ;================================================================ ;====================== defining variables ====================== ;================================================================ assign:taskName:'buy_tasks' use:gen peerreview:false assign:price:10 assign:minAllowedMood:30 assign:tasksToAdd:'' ; ;================================================================ ;====================== defining functions ====================== ;================================================================ ; ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:buyTaskFunction ;---------------------------------------------------------------- show:I will allow you to buy a task for another sub. Every task that you buy will cost you $price mood. If you want to buy a task, you will first be able to select the task and then enter the name of the sub that you want to buy it for. You currently have MOOD mood. label:page1Start choice:virtual_pillory_1,competitive_spanking_1,deepthroat_training_1,quiz_1,interrogation_1,game_1,NEXT PAGE,DONE if: LASTASK == 1 assign:buyTaskName:'virtual_pillory_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 2 assign:buyTaskName:'competitive_spanking_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 3 assign:buyTaskName:'deepthroat_training_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 4 assign:buyTaskName:'quiz_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 5 assign:buyTaskName:'interrogation_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 6 assign:buyTaskName:'game_1' fi: if: LASTASK == 7 goto:page2Start fi: if: LASTASK == 8 goto:endOfByTasksFunctionLabel fi: ; goto:page2End label:page2Start choice:stroke_for_feet,stroke_for_cocks,CornerTimeB,PREV PAGE,DONE if: LASTASK == 1 assign:buyTaskName:'stroke_for_feet' fi: if: LASTASK == 2 assign:buyTaskName:'stroke_for_cocks' fi: if: LASTASK == 3 assign:buyTaskName:'CornerTimeB' fi: if: LASTASK == 4 goto:page1Start fi: if: LASTASK == 5 goto:endOfByTasksFunctionLabel fi: label:page2End ; asktext:For which sub would you like to buy the task <b>$buyTaskName</b>? Enter the name exactly as it is shown in JiC, not like in clan! Don't worry, you can still cancel this in the next step. assign:boughtTaskFor:'LASTASK' show:So would you like to buy the task <b>$buyTaskName</b> for <b>$boughtTaskFor</b>? This would cost you $price mood (you currently have MOOD mood). choice:Yes I want to buy it,No I changed my mind if: LASTASK == 1 ;TODO setmood:(MOOD-$price) assign:tasksToAdd:'$tasksToAdd$boughtTaskFor,$buyTaskName,SNAME;' show:Alright, I've assigned the task <b>$buyTaskName</b> to <b>$boughtTaskFor</b>. I will message you once I have informed them about the task (usually this happens when they run a random task). From that time on, they'll have 30 days to run the task. I will message you again, once they ran the task. You now have MOOD mood. Do you want to buy another task for $price mood for a sub? else: show:No problem, but do you want to buy another task for $price mood for another sub? You still have MOOD mood. fi: goto:page1Start label:endOfByTasksFunctionLabel end: ; ;================================================================ ;======================= start of the task ====================== ;================================================================ image:taskimg/assistant_at_desk2.jpg if: MOOD < $minAllowedMood show:I would have allowed you to buy a task for $price mood for another sub, but you need to have at least $minAllowedMood mood to do so. So maybe another time, when you have more mood. Bye, $snick! else: call:buyTaskFunction show:See you another time. Bye, $snick! fi: if: '$tasksToAdd' != '' loadgtemp1:GLOBAL_BOUGHT_TASKS settemp1:'TEMP1$tasksToAdd' savegtemp1:GLOBAL_BOUGHT_TASKS fi: button:Bye, Miss Claire ;