Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:chastity_or_denial_gambling Sex: Female T Male T Trans T Require: Limits: use:chastity use:gen ;Task to gamble chastity or denial time ; ;; Variable table - ; TEMP1 == working variable ; TEMP2 == working variable ; ; ********** Initialize task ***************************************************** call:initializeChastityClub loadtemp1:chastityStartTimeP if:(('TEMP1' == '')||('TEMP1' == 'undefined')) assign:inChastity:false else: assign:inChastity:true fi: assign:improveOdds:0 image2:taskimg/chastity/simply endure.png ; ; *********** Introduce show:Slave, we will test your luck today. But before we do that, get undressed button:naked show:Lets take a picture button:Picture in 5 seconds wait:5 cam: ; ; *********** Determine whether slave can add denial or chastity if: !inChastity && (L_CHASTITY < 3) assign:slaveType:'denial' else: assign:slaveType:'chastity' fi: show: Slave, you will be gambling for $slaveType time button:Great DTITLE ; ; ********** Determine losing and winning times assign:randomFactor:((Math.random() * 8) + 2) if: '$slaveType' == 'chastity' loadtemp1:chastityAllTimeMax if:(('TEMP1' == '') || ('TEMP1' == 'undefined')) settemp1:10 fi: ;limit maximum chastity penalty by constraining to limits setting if:(TEMP1 > L_CH_MAX) settemp1:L_CH_MAX fi: show:Slave I have looked into your file and your settings. Based on that I think I can add a maximum of TEMP1 hours of chastity if you loose. It may not be as much though, maybe half or a third. Or i really add that many hours. Haha button:Please DTITLE settemp1:(Math.floor(TEMP1 * $randomFactor / 10)) assign:losingTime:TEMP1 assign:winningTime:(Math.floor(TEMP1 / 2)) if: $inChastity if:($winningTime > (CH_END / 3600)) assign:winningTime:(Math.floor(CH_END / 3600)) fi: else: assign:winningTime:0 fi: else: settemp1:L_DENIAL if:(TEMP1 <1) settemp1:1 fi: assign:losingTime:TEMP1 assign:winningTime:0 fi: show:Slave, I have determined how much $slaveType time i will add or reduce. Do you want to know? Be aware! If you say YES, I will tell you, but it will be a bit more likely that you loose this gamble choice:yes, no if:(LASTASK == 1) if: '$slaveType' == 'chastity' show:Fine. If you loose i will add $losingTime hours of chastity. If you win I will remove $winningTime hours. And now its become more likely that you loose, haha. else: show:Fine. If you loose i will add $losingTime days of denial. If you win I will give you 2 mood. And now its become more likely that you loose, haha. fi: assign:improveOdds:($improveOdds -1) button: Thank you DTITLE fi: ; ; ********** Determine whether slave wins or looses settemp2:(L_CH_FLEX * 5) if:(TEMP2 < 5) settemp2:5 fi: show:We will be gambling for $slaveType time. You can improve your odds of winning by TEMP2 % if I put you in hardcore mode for 2 weeks and you have to do some tasks each week.<br><br>Think carefully about this, without chosing this option your chance of winning may be very low.<br><br> Do you want this? choice:yes, no if: LASTASK == 1 settemp1:(Math.floor((Math.random() * 4) + 1)) show:You chose the careful option. I will add TEMP1 tasks per week, and lock your limits for the next two weeks. button:Yes DTITLE ; hardcore:14 days ; addwtasks:TEMP1 ; locklimits:14 log:adding TEMP1 weekly tasks, and locking limits for 2 weeks assign:improveOdds:($improveOdds + (TEMP2 / 10)) else: show:Chicken. Its likely that you will loose the gample button:Shudder fi: assign:winning:false if: '$slaveType' == 'chastity' settemp1:(Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)) settemp2:((L_CH_FLEX + 4 - $improveOdds) * 10) if:(TEMP1 > TEMP2) assign:winning:true fi: else: if:((Math.random() * 10) > 5 - $improveOdds) assign:winning:true fi: fi: ; ; ********** Inform slave of result and adjust times show:Ok, let me think wait:5 show:Hmm, where are my dice? wait:5 show:Aaah, here we go wait:5 show:Throwing dice wait:5 show:And the result is if: '$slaveType' == 'chastity' if:$winning if: $inChastity show:You have won. I will reduce your chastity time by some hours button:This is great log:Slave has won. Reducing chastity time by §winningTime hours settemp1:(CH_END / 3600) - $winningTime ; setchastity:TEMP1 hours else: show:You have won, but you are not locked up. Why did you play at all? There is nothing I can do for you, but thanks for trying button: Yes DTITLE fi: else: show:Oh dear, you have lost. I will add a lot of chastity time button:Oh no log:Slave has lost. Adding $losingTime hours of chastity time ; addchastity:$losingTime hours fi: else: if:$winning show:you have won. I will add a few mood points button:This is great log:Slave has won. Adding 2 mood points ; setmood:(MOOD-2) else: show:Oh dear, you have lost. I will add a lot of denial time button:Oh no log:Slave has lost. Adding $losingTime days of denial time ; adddenial:$losingTime days fi: fi: show:That was fun. Hope to see you playing again soon button:Yes DTITLE ; ; update to-do list with task run and validate if there are overdue tasks assign:logTaskName:'chastity_or_denial_gambling' call:validateToDoTasks call:saveToDoTasks ;