Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:forfeit_nipple_spanking Sex: Female F Male F Trans F Require: Limits: ; forfeit_nipple_spanking (task to be used for forfeits) call:startNippleSpankingForfeit ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:startNippleSpankingForfeit ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:allowChickenOut:false call:doNippleSpanking end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:exampleHowToUseTheseNippleSpankingFunctionsInAnotherTask ; This is an example how to use this in another task, if you would copy the individual functions there. ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:allowChickenOut:true show:I will now send you to Runa to oversee your nipple spanking. button:Thank you, DTITLE assign:requestedRounds:10 call:doNippleSpanking ; log:The slave has completed $completedRounds of $requestedRounds rounds. end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showNextNippleSpankingPic ;---------------------------------------------------------------- if: $curPic == 1 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a6.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 2 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a9_2.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 3 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a44.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 4 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b29.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 5 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b54.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 6 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b55_3.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 7 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b56_2.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 8 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a32.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 9 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a16.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 10 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a41.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 11 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a9_2.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 12 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b64_3.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 13 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a40.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 14 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a26.jpg fi: if: $curPic == 15 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a32.jpg fi: if: $curPic > 15 image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b54.jpg assign:curPic:5 fi: assign:curPic:$curPic+1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:selectCamSide ;---------------------------------------------------------------- settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * 50) + 1) if: TEMP1 <= 50 assign:camSide:'left' else: assign:camSide:'right' fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:spankOneNipple ;---------------------------------------------------------------- show:Wait for it... wait:25 if: '$side' == '$camSide' vidrec:0 fi: wait:1 show:<h1>NOW!</h1> wait:6 if: '$side' == '$camSide' vidstop:0 fi: wait:1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:spankNipples ;---------------------------------------------------------------- call:selectCamSide call:spankOneNipple assign:side:'right' call:showNextNippleSpankingPic show:And the other side. Get your $side nipple close to the cam and wait for my command to spank off the clothespin. call:selectCamSide button:Waiting for your command call:spankOneNipple assign:completedRounds:$completedRounds+1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doAnotherRoundOfNippleSpanking ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:side:'left' call:showNextNippleSpankingPic settemp1:'Get ready for round $round/$requestedRounds: If you want to, you may reapply some lotion. Then attach the clothespins, get your $side nipple close to the cam and wait for my command to spank off just that clothespin.' if: $allowChickenOut show:TEMP1<br><br>Or do you want to chicken out? But then you would have failed. choice:Waiting for your command,Chicken out else: show:TEMP1 button:Waiting for your command fi: if: LASTASK == 1 || !$allowChickenOut call:spankNipples else: show:Do you really want to chicken out, or do you want to do the next round? choice:Chicken out,Do the next round if: LASTASK == 2 show:Ok, then attach the clothespins, get your $side nipple close to the cam and wait for my command to spank off just that clothespin. button:Waiting for your command call:spankNipples else: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a10.jpg show:That's disappointing, you have failed. assign:hasChickenedOut:true settemp1:$round-1 settemp2:$requestedRounds log:The slave has only completed TEMP1/TEMP2 rounds and thus HAS FAILED! button:I'm sorry, Runa fi: fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:doNippleSpanking ;---------------------------------------------------------------- capture:hide assign:curPic:1 assign:hasChickenedOut:false assign:completedRounds:1 if: '$requestedRounds' == '\$requestedRounds' assign:requestedRounds:0 fi: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b73.jpg if: $requestedRounds == 0 asknumber:SNAME, you were sent to me, so that I can oversee you spanking off clothespins from your nipples with a towel. How many rounds of that are you required to do (one round means spanking off both clamps)? assign:requestedRounds:LASTASK log:The slave claims that $requestedRounds rounds of nipple spanking were requested. if: $requestedRounds <= 0 assign:requestedRounds:5 show:It looks like you've accidentally entered a wrong number. Unfortunately I don't know the correct number. You probably need to do at least 1. But let's stay on the safe side and do $requestedRounds. button:Thank you, Runa log:Since this doesn't seem to be correct, Runa has corrected it to $requestedRounds. fi: else: show:SNAME, you were sent to me, so that I can oversee you spanking off clothespins from your nipples with a towel. It was requested that you have to do $requestedRounds rounds. button:Yes, Runa fi: image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a6.jpg show:Ok, then get a towel and 2 clothespins. It have to be actual clothespins, no other type of nipple clamps! And also get completely naked. I am naked, so you should be as well. button:Got towel and clothespins log:All videos have to initially show a nipple clamped with a clothespin. Then the slave has to hit the clothespin with a towel until it comes off. image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_a8.jpg show:You may twist or fold the towel to make it easier to spank with it. And you may also rub some lotion into your nipples so that the clothespins will slip off more easily. But don't apply it too generously, the clothespins shouldn't just fall off by themselves. button:Rubbed in lotion image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b64_3.jpg show:Let's start! Attach the clothespins to your nipples. You will now only spank off the left one. Start with your left nipple close to the cam and wait for my command. As soon as I give the command, you have 5 seconds to hit the clothespin with the towel until it comes off. assign:round:1 assign:side:'left' call:selectCamSide button:Waiting for your command call:spankOneNipple image:taskimg/sets/runa/runa_red_lingerie_b29.jpg show:I hope that has hurt already! Now let's do it again with the right nipple to complete the round. Get your right nipple close to the cam and wait for my command to spank off the second clothespin. assign:side:'right' call:selectCamSide button:Waiting for your command call:spankOneNipple label:startOfNippleSpankingLoop assign:round:$round+1 if: $round <= $requestedRounds && !$hasChickenedOut call:doAnotherRoundOfNippleSpanking goto:startOfNippleSpankingLoop fi: if: !hasChickenedOut show:That's enough, you have completed all requested $requestedRounds rounds. log:The slave has completed all requested $requestedRounds rounds. button:Thank you, Runa fi: end: ;