Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:just_testing Sex: Female F Male F Trans F Require: chastity nochaste cancum restim rshock rlock buttplug candle crop dildo estim gag handcuffs humbler nippleclamps Limits: Pain-N Sissy Info Shaving Watersport listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:10 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:5 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:3 listadd:8 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:5 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:8 listadd:8 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:14 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:11 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:8 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:1 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:6 listadd:2 listadd:8 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:11 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:1 listadd:4 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:1 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:8 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:12 listadd:5 listadd:1 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:5 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:5 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:8 listadd:9 listadd:2 listadd:7 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:8 listadd:8 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:10 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:8 listadd:8 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:8 listadd:9 listadd:9 listadd:7 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:1 listadd:7 listadd:10 listadd:4 listadd:5 listadd:8 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:3 listadd:3 listadd:2 listadd:12 listadd:13 listadd:9 listadd:4 listadd:11 listadd:9 listadd:14 listadd:7 listadd:9 listadd:14 listadd:16 listadd:18 listadd:18 listadd:15 listadd:8 listadd:5 listadd:7 listadd:4 listadd:3 listadd:8 listadd:7 listadd:4 listadd:6 listadd:12 listadd:4 listadd:7 listadd:6 listadd:8 listadd:7 listadd:20 listadd:9 listadd:9 listadd:15 listadd:6 listadd:13 listadd:14 listadd:11 listadd:14 listadd:15 listadd:13 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:5 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:5 listadd:4 listadd:5 listadd:4 listadd:12 listadd:8 listadd:12 listadd:8 listadd:10 listadd:2 listadd:10 listadd:2 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:5 listadd:5 listadd:14 listadd:4 listadd:14 listadd:12 listadd:14 listadd:14 listadd:13 listadd:8 listadd:8 listadd:11 listadd:6 listadd:7 listadd:10 listadd:12 listadd:7 listadd:10 listadd:6 listadd:3 listadd:6 listadd:15 listadd:3 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:4 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:1 listadd:2 listadd:5 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:2 listadd:9 listadd:5 listadd:6 listadd:16 listadd:3 listadd:14 listadd:14 listadd:10 listadd:10 listadd:2 listadd:11 listadd:10 listadd:12 listadd:11 listadd:12 listadd:10 listadd:10 listadd:7 listadd:8 listadd:7 listadd:11 listadd:11 listadd:12 listadd:11 listadd:5 listadd:2 listadd:19 listadd:17 listadd:8 listadd:9 listadd:8 listadd:9 listadd:9 listadd:12 listadd:10 ; stroke_for_feet ;================================================================ ;====================== defining variables ====================== ;================================================================ assign:taskName:'stroke_for_feet' use:gen capture:hide assign:NumberOfPics_FEET:463 assign:NumberOfPics_SEXY:264 assign:NippleClamps:'NO' assign:feetCounter:0 assign:lastFeetPic:-1 ; define how long the task should take (each picture is shown for 10 seconds) ; 10 min assign:imagesToDo:60 if: HARDCORE ;13 min assign:imagesToDo:78 fi: ; minus 3 min assign:deductTimeIfDontLike:18 ;================================================================ ;====================== defining functions ====================== ;================================================================ ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showExamples ;---------------------------------------------------------------- assign:exampleNumber:1 assign:maxExamples:11 assign:exampleText:'' label:startOfExampleLoop if: $exampleNumber == 1 assign:exampleText:'Lets start with an obvious one. She is showing both of her feet to you.' assign:examplePic:27 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 2 assign:exampleText:'Here you can still see a lot of her naked foot in her shoes.' assign:examplePic:25 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 3 assign:exampleText:'Here you can still see some of her naked feet in her shoe.' assign:examplePic:164 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 4 assign:exampleText:'One foot is completely covered by a shoe.' assign:examplePic:40 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 5 assign:exampleText:'One foot is completely covered by a sock.' assign:examplePic:183 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 6 assign:exampleText:'One foot is completely covered by a sock, but one is already partially visible.' assign:examplePic:81 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 7 assign:exampleText:'Some feet of the girls in the background might be naked. But girls far away in the background don't count. I'm not that cruel.' assign:examplePic:114 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 8 assign:exampleText:'But this doesn't mean that it's easy. Here you can see just a little bit of her right little toe, this also counts. You really need to pay close attention!' assign:examplePic:48 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 9 assign:exampleText:'Also this one is really hard to spot. But you can see a tiny little bit of the brunette girls left foot in the bottom right corner. I am not playing nice here, so you really need to focus! If you cant see the bottom right corner, resize your browser window!' assign:examplePic:196 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 10 assign:exampleText:'There is cum on her right foot, so that one counts twice.' assign:examplePic:106 fi: if: $exampleNumber == 11 assign:exampleText:'Her feet are spread far apart, but of course they both count.' assign:examplePic:236 fi: image:taskimg/tasks/stroke_for/feet_$examplePic.jpg settemp1:List[$examplePic-1] show:$exampleText So this would count as TEMP1. if: $exampleNumber != $maxExamples choice:Let's start,Please give me more examples if: LASTASK == 2 assign:exampleNumber:$exampleNumber+1 goto:startOfExampleLoop fi: else: button:Ok, let's start fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:waitAndMaybeTakeAPhoto ;---------------------------------------------------------------- wait:2 settemp3:Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) if:TEMP3<12 if:TEMP2==0 if:(HAS_PENIS) if: INCHASTITY log:the slave is not allowed to touch his caged cock in the following picture else: log:the slave is not allowed to touch his cock in the following picture fi: else: if: INCHASTITY log:the slave is not allowed to touch her caged pussy in the following picture else: log:the slave is not allowed to touch her pussy in the following picture fi: fi: fi: if:TEMP2==1 if:(HAS_PENIS) if: INCHASTITY log:the slave HAS TO play with his caged cock in the following picture else: log:the slave HAS TO stroke his cock in the following picture fi: else: if: INCHASTITY log:the slave HAS TO play with her caged pussy in the following picture else: log:the slave HAS TO rub her pussy in the following picture fi: fi: fi: wait:6 cam:1 wait:2 else: wait:8 fi: end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showFeetImage ;---------------------------------------------------------------- label:determineFeetPicLoopStart settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * $NumberOfPics_FEET) + 1) if: TEMP1 == $lastFeetPic goto:determineFeetPicLoopStart fi: ; for hardcore increase the chance of getting pictures with more feet settemp2:Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) if: HARDCORE && TEMP2 < 50 && List[TEMP1-1] <= 4 goto:determineFeetPicLoopStart fi: image:taskimg/tasks/stroke_for/feet_TEMP1.jpg assign:feetCounter:$feetCounter+List[TEMP1-1] assign:lastFeetPic:TEMP1 end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showGirlImage ;---------------------------------------------------------------- settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * $NumberOfPics_SEXY) + 1) image:taskimg/tasks/stroke_for/sexy_TEMP1.jpg end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:newImage ;---------------------------------------------------------------- settemp4:Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1) if:TEMP4==1 call:showFeetImage settemp2:1 fi: if:TEMP4==2 call:showGirlImage settemp2:0 fi: call:waitAndMaybeTakeAPhoto end: ;---------------------------------------------------------------- function:showImageOfDom ;---------------------------------------------------------------- if:('DNAME'=='Jennifer') image:taskimg/jenHF1b.jpg fi: ; if:('DNAME'=='Natasha') image:taskimg/jenHF1b.jpg fi: ; if:('DNAME'=='James') image:taskimg/slide_james.jpg fi: end: ;================================================================ ;======================= start of the task ====================== ;================================================================ call:showImageOfDom log:The slave is not allowed to cum during this task. show:We will continue conditioning your brain to associate feet with arousal. You are a slave, so you might be ordered to worship feet. This task will prepare you for this. Also as a slave you have to love what I want you to love. And I want you to love girls feet. So do you love girls feet?<p><i>If on desktop, enter full screen mode now (usually via F11 or control+command+F)</i> choice:I love feet,I don't love feet if: LASTASK == 1 log:The slave claims to love feet. show:That's good, and with each time that you'll get this task, your preference for feet will grow bigger. Tell me that you will become a foot bitch! else: log:The slave was told that DTITLE DNAME wants the slave to love feet. But when asked, the slave still answered to not love feet. This can be considered as rude. So if you think that this was rude, you could consider giving a low rating or even mark the task as failed. This is at your discretion as a reviewer. show:That's a bit rude, since I just told you that I want you to love feet. But ok, then we will do a shorter session now. After doing this task enough times, your brain will be rewired to love feet anyway. Now tell me that you will become a foot bitch! assign:imagesToDo:$imagesToDo-$deductTimeIfDontLike fi: button:I will become a foot bitch if:(HAS_PENIS) if: INCHASTITY show:You will see a series of pictures, and whenever a girl shows at least one of her feet to you, you have to play with your caged your cock. Otherwise, it's hands off! Make sure that I can always see your caged cock. else: show:You will see a series of pictures, and whenever a girl shows at least one of her feet to you, you have to stroke your cock. Otherwise, it's hands off! Make sure that I can always see your cock. fi: button:Cam points at cock else: if: INCHASTITY show:You will see a series of pictures, and whenever a girl shows at least one of her feet to you, you have to play with your caged pussy. Otherwise, it's hands off! Make sure that I can always see your pussy in close-up. else: show:You will see a series of pictures, and whenever a girl shows at least one of her feet to you, you have to rub your pussy. Otherwise, it's hands off! Make sure that I can always see your pussy in close-up. fi: button:Cam points at pussy fi: ;maybe add nipple clamps settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1) ;if: T_NIPPLECLAMPS && L_PAIN_N==5 && (HARDCORE || TEMP1<15) if: false if:(HAS_PENIS) show:I'm feeling a little mean today. So you will wear clothespins on your nipples. Put them on now, and adjust the cam so that it shows your cock and your nipples the whole time. Tell me when they are attached. log:The slave has to wear clamps on the nipples during the whole task. He has to make sure that they are visible in all pictures. else: show:I'm feeling a little mean today. So you will wear clothespins on your nipples. Put them on now, and adjust the cam so that it shows your pussy and your nipples the whole time. Tell me when they are attached. log:The slave has to wear clamps on the nipples during the whole task. She has to make sure that they are visible in all pictures. fi: button:Clamps are attached assign:NippleClamps:'YES' fi: show:I really want you to focus on their feet. So you will count all feet that a girl shows to you. It doesn't count if a foot is completely covered by a shoe or sock, but as soon as you can see even the slightest bit of her naked foot below her ankle it counts. And since I really want you to associate cumming with feet, a feet with cum on it counts twice! choice:Let's start,Please give me some examples first if:LASTASK == 2 call:showExamples fi: if:(HAS_PENIS) if: INCHASTITY show:If a girl shows her feet to you, you have to play with your caged cock, otherwise it's hands off. else: show:If a girl shows her feet to you, you have to stoke, otherwise it's hands off. fi: else: if: INCHASTITY show:If a girl shows her feet to you, you have to play with your caged pussy, otherwise it's hands off. else: show:If a girl shows her feet to you, you have to rub your pussy, otherwise it's hands off. fi: fi: ;start with hands off, i.e. a girls image call:showGirlImage wait:10 while:($imagesToDo>0) call:newImage assign:imagesToDo:$imagesToDo-1 endwhile: wait:5 speakjen:stop call:showImageOfDom if: '$NippleClamps'=='YES' show:Hands off, feet bitch. Remove the clamps. button:Clamps removed asknumber:So how many feet did the girls show to you? Remember that feet with cum on them count twice! else: asknumber:Hands off, feet bitch. So how many feet did the girls show to you? Remember that feet with cum on them count twice! fi: settemp1:LASTASK assign:wasCorrect: TEMP1 == $feetCounter if: $wasCorrect show:Well done, that was the correct number of feet! log:The slave correctly counted all $feetCounter shown feet button:Thank you, DTITLE else: show:No, TEMP1 is not correct. The girls showed $feetCounter feet to you! log:The slave was supposed to count all feet. The slave counted TEMP1, but the correct number was $feetCounter. If this is just a small difference you should let the slave pass, otherwise please mark as failed! button:I'm sorry, DTITLE fi: settemp1:Math.floor((Math.random() * $NumberOfPics_FEET) + 1) image:taskimg/tasks/stroke_for/feet_TEMP1.jpg if:List[TEMP1-1] == 1 settemp2:'Before you leave, you will do one last edge. Stare at this girl's foot and honor it with an edge.' settemp3:'Edged' fi: if:List[TEMP1-1] == 2 settemp2:'Before you leave, you will do some edges. Stare at this girl's feet and honor each foot with an edge.' settemp3:'All edges done' fi: if:List[TEMP1-1] >= 3 settemp2:'Before you leave, you will do some edges. Stare at these girls' feet and honor each foot with an edge.' settemp3:'All edges done' fi: if: INCHASTITY settemp4:'chastity' settemp2:'Before you leave, I will allow you one last look. Stare at these girls' feet for as long as you like.' settemp3:'Thank you, DTITLE' else: settemp4:'denial' fi: if: !$wasCorrect && (L_DENIAL > 2 || INCHASTITY) show:As a punishment we will use your current state of frustration and let it continue to intensify your desire for feet for the next hour. I've just added one hour of TEMP4! But that's not all. TEMP2 if: INCHASTITY addchastity:1 hours else: adddenial:1 hours fi: else: show:We will use your current state of frustration and let it continue to intensify your desire for feet for some time. TEMP2 fi: button:TEMP3 show:See you soon, feet bitch! button:See you soon, DTITLE ;