Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:thomas_test Sex: Female T Male T Trans T Require: Limits: use:chastity use:gen ; label:StartTask show:Select an option choice:test code, delete review array elements, clear chastity, show review queue, show Task Log, delete Task log, show to-do list, next assign:TestChoice:LASTASK if:(TestChoice == 1) button:testing code ; ************************** test code start ;call:calculateDayOfMonth ;show:$dayOfMonth settemp1:new Date(1673321500000).getDate() show:TEMP1 button:ok ; ************************** test code end button:done testing code fi: if:(TestChoice == 2) show:WARNING. You will delete some entries in the club review queue. Do you want this button:yes loadglist:chastityClubReviews asknumber:Entry number (starting count with 1) settemp3:(LASTASK - 1) listdelete:TEMP3 saveglist:chastityClubReviews ; ********** Update number of pending reviews assign:numberOfReviews:(List.length) if:(($numberOfReviews == 0)) goto:exitTask fi: settemp1:0 loop:$numberOfReviews settemp2:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP2' if:(SPLIT5 == false) settemp1:TEMP1 + 1 fi: endloop: savegtemp1:chastityClubNewVideos fi: if:(TestChoice == 3) settemp1:'' savetemp1:chastityTagNumber savetemp1:chastityLock savetemp1:chastityStartTime savetemp1:chastityStartTimeP savetemp1:unlock_pending savetemp1:pending-unlock-time savetemp1:chastityLockPic savetemp1:chastityLastValidation savetemp1:chastityMustCumFast fi: if:(TestChoice == 4) loadglist:chastityClubReviews assign:numberOfReviews:(List.length) if:(($numberOfReviews == 0)) show:There are no reviews to see button:ok goto:exitTask fi: loop:$numberOfReviews settemp2:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP2' show:Entry LOOPVAR TEMP2 button:ok endloop: loadgtemp1:chastityClubNewVideos show:Number of pending reviews:TEMP1 button:ok fi: if:(TestChoice == 5) show:Filter? choice:No, CC-Members, Other loadglist:logTaskList assign:numberOfLogs:(List.length) if:(($numberOfLogs == 0)) show:There are no logs to see button:ok goto:exitTask fi: loop:$numberOfLogs settemp2:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP2' if:('TEMP2' != '') ; && (SPLIT2 > (STIME - 432000)) if:(LASTASK == 1) call:showLogEntry fi: if:((LASTASK == 2) && (('SPLIT3' == 'Thomas3') || ('SPLIT3' == 'Chissoku') ||('SPLIT3' == 'JohnF') || ('SPLIT3' == 'lisa') || ('SPLIT3' == 'Loser1') || ('SPLIT3' == 'TittyTwister'))) call:showLogEntry fi: if:((LASTASK == 3) && !SPLIT5) call:showLogEntry fi: fi: iframe:CLEAR endloop: fi: if:(TestChoice == 6) show:WARNING. You will delete all task log button:yes loadglist:logTaskList setlist:'EMPTY,STIME,SNAME,TID,HAS_PENIS' saveglist:logTaskList ; loadlist:toDoTasks ; setlist:'EMPTY,0,0,9000000000' ; savelist:toDoTasks fi: if:(TestChoice == 7) loadlist:toDoTasks assign:numberOfTasks:(List.length) loop:$numberOfTasks settemp1:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP1' show:SPLIT1 SPLIT2 SPLIT3 SPLIT4 button:next endloop: fi: if:(TestChoice != 8) goto:StartTask fi: choice:run task, delete to-do list, exit, back assign:TestChoice:LASTASK if:(TestChoice == 1) show:about to schedule a task button:ok dmsg:0:Jennifer:Time for your task dtask:0:Jennifer:chastity_edging:1 fi: if:(TestChoice == 2) show:removing to-do list items loadlist:toDoTasks settemp1:'Empty, 100, 100, 5000000000' setlist:'TEMP1' savelist:toDoTasks button:ok fi: if:(TestChoice != 3) goto:StartTask fi: ; label:exitTask ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function:scheduleToDoTask ;** Schedules a task as standard JIC delayed task AND stores the need to run the task in a list ;** accessible by tasks. This function will become obsolete once the standard JIC delayed task ;** system will be able to punish slaves for ignoring to-do tasks ;** Expected arguments:$taskName, $taskDelay, $taskGrace ;** Return values: none ;** Modifies TEMP1 variable. dtask:$taskDelay:Jennifer:$taskName:$taskGrace loadlist:toDoTasks settemp1:'$taskName, $taskDelay, $taskGrace, STIME' listadd:'TEMP1' savelist:toDoTasks end: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function:validateToDoTasks ;** Validates whether any to-do tasks of the slave are overdue. ;** Assigns a punishment in case one or more are overdue ;** Expected arguments: none. Returned value: none ;** Modifies TEMP1 variable. loadlist:toDoTasks assign:numberOfTasks:(List.length) assign:punishmentDue:false loop:$numberOfTasks settemp1:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP1' if:(SPLIT4 + ((SPLIT2 + SPLIT3) * 3600) < STIME) show:You are lated doing SPLIT1 task. A punishment will be assigned log:Slave is late doing SPLIT1 task. A punishment will be assigned button:Yes DTITLE assign:punishmentDue:true fi: endloop: if:punishmentDue show:Punishment logic will be inserted here button:ok fi: end: ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function:t_logTaskRun ;** Maintains a log of how often a task has been run. ;** Removes the task from the task toDo list in case it is on there ;** Modifies TEMP1 variables ;** Expected arguments: logTaskName. Returned values: none ; ; log task run loadglist:logTaskList settemp1:'$logTaskName,STIME,SNAME,TID,HAS_PENIS' listadd:'TEMP1' saveglist:logTaskList ; ; remove task from to-do list in case its on there loadlist:toDoTasks assign:numberOfTasks:(List.length) assign:taskPosition:0 assign:taskTime:0 loop:$numberOfTasks settemp1:List[(LOOPVAR - 1)] split:'TEMP1' if:(('SPLIT1' == '$logTaskName') && (($taskTime == 0) || (SPLIT4 < $taskTime))) assign:taskPosition: (LOOPVAR - 1) assign:taskTime:SPLIT4 fi: endloop: if: ($taskTime != 0) listdelete:$taskPosition savelist:toDoTasks fi: end: ; function:showLogEntry show:Entry LOOPVAR<br>Task SPLIT1<br>Time SPLIT2<br>Slave SPLIT3<br>SPLIT4 SPLIT5 iframe: button:ok end: ; function:reviewCCslavesInstructions if:'SNAME' == 'Thomas3' image:taskimg/chastity/Thomas3 Instructions.jpg show:Please verify that the slave has done the following in the video<br><br><b>1</b> Did he <b>strongly</b> pull on the tag<br><b>2</b> Is the wire threaded through <b>tube AND piercing</b><br><b>3</b> Did he show the cut tag <b>with all wires visible</b><br><b>4</b> Did he use his long tube</b> button:Yes I have verified this fi: end: ; ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function:calculateDayOfMonth ; assigns dayOfMonth variable. For example if called on January 10th, it will return 10 ; start with January 1 2025, 00 00 01 GMT assign:epochReference:1735689601 assign:secondsToDays:(24 * 60 * 60) loop:100 if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (28 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (28 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays)) ;sept assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (30 * secondsToDays) fi: if: (STIME < epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays)) assign:dayOfMonth:Math.trunc((STIME-epochReference) / secondsToDays) + 1 goto: exitCalculateDayOfMonth else: assign:epochReference:epochReference + (31 * secondsToDays) fi: endloop: label:exitCalculateDayOfMonth end: ; ; ;