Jennifer In Control
Jennifer In Control
Title:writing lines Sex: Female T Male T Trans T Require: Limits: ;quick task to see if it's possible to do a writeforme-type-thing in JIC settemp2:0 settemp3:0 show:You're going to write some lines for me. There will be a four digit number at the start of each line to stop you from cheating. button:Yes, DTITLE. ; while:(TEMP2<10) settemp4:Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000) settemp1:'TEMP4 Naughty students deserve to be punished. I am a naughty student.' ;New Command ;New Command show:You will write 'TEMP1'. asktext: ; if:('LASTASK'=='TEMP1') ; settemp2:(TEMP2+1) show:You have written TEMP2 lines out of 10, with TEMP3 mistakes. wait:3 ; fi: ; if:('LASTASK'!='TEMP1') ; settemp2:(TEMP2+1) settemp3:(TEMP3+1) show:You made a mistake! Write that line again! You have written TEMP2 lines out of 10, with TEMP3 mistakes. wait:3 ; fi: ; endwhile: ; show:All done! You wrote TEMP2 lines, with TEMP3 mistakes. button:Thank you, DTITLE. ;New Command ;New Command